Hey Gang,
I had the pleasure of doing some (court ordered) volunteer work. I had to pull kudzu from trees in a nearby park. Kudzu is an invasive species of vines that takes over bushes or trees. If not weeded, it can take over and keep the host plant from getting sunlight. As I spent hours working on this task it made me think...we all have kudzu in our lives.
Everyone one of us are tall and mighty trees trying to grow tall, but something always sneaks up on us and tries to steal our sunlight. Sometimes our kudzu is insecurity, sometimes it's fear of failure, my personal kudzu is disliking hard work.
I also noticed that there is a distinct smell to kudzu. At first I thought it smelled good, but after awhile I realized that the smell was pungent. It smells like bacon until it starts smelling like vines. That got me to thinking that often bacon can be our personal kudzu as well. I like to eat bacon until my sweat start smelling like vines.
I think everyone should pull kudzu and have the same inspiration that I did. A lot of parks need weeding and gardening done. I recommend volunteering your time. I'm not really sure how to volunteer at local parks. Most parks are open to the public, so just show up with your shovels and picks and starting weeding the trees. If someone asks what you are doing, tell them Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer sent you!
Have a great day!
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer

This is Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer's Official Blog. Cathy is a life coach and inspirational teacher. When she is not out spreading her message of success, she is living in her 1968 Gremlin in the Walmart Parking lot. More of her adventures are chronicled in the non-best selling book Stand Up Be a Lady. For me info visit her website at http://kwirkybird.com/.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
My Own Gizmo
Hey Gang,

I have mentioned before that I am a Life Coach that lives in my 1968 Gremlin in the Walmart parking lot. Now some of you may say, "Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer, I am a car enthusiast and the Gremlin didn't come out until 1970." Which is true. My Gremlin was the beta test car of all the Gremlins. It was given to my Grandpa Gainer back before they had crash test dummies. AMC (the Gremlin's manufacturer) would just call my Grandfather every evening and if he was still around to answer the phone, they assumed the Gremlin passed the safety test.
I like that my home/transportation was handed down from generation to generation. After my Grandfather survived being an owner of this beauty, he handed it down to my father, who politely declined the offer. Later, when I asked my father for some rent money, he told me to just live in the Gremlin and here I am in now!
The Gremlin is a pleasure to drive and to live in. I named her Gizmo after the 1977 movie, Gizmo. My favorite part of the car is the hatch-back, or as I like to call it, my lanai. It keeps things cool on the humid Fl nights and it is also acts as my security system. (Shoppers walk by, look in and see my shrine to Tony Robbins and keep walking.)
Today is a big day for Gizmo, I am putting some indoor/outdoor carpet in her lanai. I once tried to put shag carpet in her, but the candles from my Tony Robbins shrine kept starting fires.
Take Care,
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer

I have mentioned before that I am a Life Coach that lives in my 1968 Gremlin in the Walmart parking lot. Now some of you may say, "Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer, I am a car enthusiast and the Gremlin didn't come out until 1970." Which is true. My Gremlin was the beta test car of all the Gremlins. It was given to my Grandpa Gainer back before they had crash test dummies. AMC (the Gremlin's manufacturer) would just call my Grandfather every evening and if he was still around to answer the phone, they assumed the Gremlin passed the safety test.
I like that my home/transportation was handed down from generation to generation. After my Grandfather survived being an owner of this beauty, he handed it down to my father, who politely declined the offer. Later, when I asked my father for some rent money, he told me to just live in the Gremlin and here I am in now!
The Gremlin is a pleasure to drive and to live in. I named her Gizmo after the 1977 movie, Gizmo. My favorite part of the car is the hatch-back, or as I like to call it, my lanai. It keeps things cool on the humid Fl nights and it is also acts as my security system. (Shoppers walk by, look in and see my shrine to Tony Robbins and keep walking.)
Today is a big day for Gizmo, I am putting some indoor/outdoor carpet in her lanai. I once tried to put shag carpet in her, but the candles from my Tony Robbins shrine kept starting fires.
Take Care,
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Total E-Clips of the Part
Hey Gang,

As you have heard by now, there will be a giant E-Clips coming soon. Everyone is saying it will be historic and special glasses are going to be needed when the E-Clips happens. I personally think it will be like Shakespeare's quote, "much Scooby Doo about nothing."
This is my first E-Clips. I have had experience with E-Harmony, E-Mail and I once tried an E-Cigarette, but never an E-Clips. Personally, I am little confused on how someone can get a haircut on the internet, but I have never truly understood how this wide world web works. I think that it may be an app (like the kids call it) that you download and it clips your hair, hence the term E-Clips.
It seems unfair to human hair dressers. There are so many jobs that these computers have taken over, this is just another casualty of the technical age. I have decided not to participate in the E-Clips. As a Gainer, our hair genetically stops growing after a certain age. My Great Grandmother Gainer had a Dorothy Hamilton bob until she was 98.
Have a great August 21st and remember, only you can choose to get a cyber haircut!
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer

As you have heard by now, there will be a giant E-Clips coming soon. Everyone is saying it will be historic and special glasses are going to be needed when the E-Clips happens. I personally think it will be like Shakespeare's quote, "much Scooby Doo about nothing."
This is my first E-Clips. I have had experience with E-Harmony, E-Mail and I once tried an E-Cigarette, but never an E-Clips. Personally, I am little confused on how someone can get a haircut on the internet, but I have never truly understood how this wide world web works. I think that it may be an app (like the kids call it) that you download and it clips your hair, hence the term E-Clips.
It seems unfair to human hair dressers. There are so many jobs that these computers have taken over, this is just another casualty of the technical age. I have decided not to participate in the E-Clips. As a Gainer, our hair genetically stops growing after a certain age. My Great Grandmother Gainer had a Dorothy Hamilton bob until she was 98.
Have a great August 21st and remember, only you can choose to get a cyber haircut!
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer
Saturday, August 12, 2017
The Dawn of the Dread

Also, I am a big believer (like the president) that too much exercise wears down your internal battery. Let's say that you do get up and do some cardio that has your blood pumping and your heart racing, it's just gonna make you sleepy later on. Instead, have a sugary snack and when you later crash, just have another sugary snack. It's that simple!
Finally, use the precious hours of the morning to really concentrate on the things you are resentful of. It's like an "attitude of gratitude" in reverse. I call it a "mindset of things you didn't get." Just take a 5-10 minutes to think of all the things you have wanted, but life somehow never let you have. That empty feeling in your soul will be more than ready for the sugary breakfast snack its about to receive.
Hope this helps!
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Back To Cool

As I have stated in previous blogs, I currently reside in my 1968 Gremlin that is parked at the Walmart. I have noticed business picking up due to "Back To School" shopping. The hustle and bustle of parents and children takes me back to the days when I was just Cathy Gainer, Student Trainer.
I remember it well. My parents would go on shopping sprees ,fill their baskets with supplies and clothes, sometimes they would even buy stuff for me. It was a glorious time! The public school I went to didn't require us to wear uniforms, but I did anyway. On Mondays and Wednesdays I would wear a policeman's uniform and I would dress like a fireman on all the other days.
It was at our school's pep rallies that I would start to get a glimmer into my future. I wanted to stand before crowds of people and speak. I wanted to inspire and motivate the masses with pride. I wanted to make people happy and excited. I guess, the school's mascot was my first mentor, is what I am saying.
I look at how far I have came since those days. I am still learning. I am still working to make my dreams come true and I am still dressing like a fireman on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
Happy Back To School Days,
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer
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