I have mentioned before that I am a Life Coach that lives in my 1968 Gremlin in the Walmart parking lot. Now some of you may say, "Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer, I am a car enthusiast and the Gremlin didn't come out until 1970." Which is true. My Gremlin was the beta test car of all the Gremlins. It was given to my Grandpa Gainer back before they had crash test dummies. AMC (the Gremlin's manufacturer) would just call my Grandfather every evening and if he was still around to answer the phone, they assumed the Gremlin passed the safety test.
I like that my home/transportation was handed down from generation to generation. After my Grandfather survived being an owner of this beauty, he handed it down to my father, who politely declined the offer. Later, when I asked my father for some rent money, he told me to just live in the Gremlin and here I am in now!
The Gremlin is a pleasure to drive and to live in. I named her Gizmo after the 1977 movie, Gizmo. My favorite part of the car is the hatch-back, or as I like to call it, my lanai. It keeps things cool on the humid Fl nights and it is also acts as my security system. (Shoppers walk by, look in and see my shrine to Tony Robbins and keep walking.)
Today is a big day for Gizmo, I am putting some indoor/outdoor carpet in her lanai. I once tried to put shag carpet in her, but the candles from my Tony Robbins shrine kept starting fires.
Take Care,
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer
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