Also, I am a big believer (like the president) that too much exercise wears down your internal battery. Let's say that you do get up and do some cardio that has your blood pumping and your heart racing, it's just gonna make you sleepy later on. Instead, have a sugary snack and when you later crash, just have another sugary snack. It's that simple!
Finally, use the precious hours of the morning to really concentrate on the things you are resentful of. It's like an "attitude of gratitude" in reverse. I call it a "mindset of things you didn't get." Just take a 5-10 minutes to think of all the things you have wanted, but life somehow never let you have. That empty feeling in your soul will be more than ready for the sugary breakfast snack its about to receive.
Hope this helps!
Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer
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