Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Sweet Smell of Sussex

Hey Gang,

I guess you have heard by now that there was a huge to-do this past weekend.  Two members of royalty got married.  I am fuzzy on the details, but the couple is now charge of Sussex!  I was not sure what Sussex was, so I used the Google program to investigate and come to find out...Sussex is a county in the regal state of New Jersey.

From my understanding, this newlywed couple is in now charge of all 141,682 people who reside in the county. That's a lot of people! The pair will also oversee all 535.74 square miles of Sussex. That's a lot of land!  The area is home to many generational New Jersey residents.  That's a lot of Aqua Net!

The two royals where given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex. How fancy!  It is motivating to see old-timey titles used in modern times. It has inspired me to change my professional status to Lady Gainer, Countess Trainer. I am hoping that this new elegant title will finally help me get an actual training job. (As of right now I am still the Earl of Unemployment!)

I do wish Henry and Megs all the best. (That's what I call them.)  They have a long road ahead of them. (By road, I mean the New Jersey turnpike.)   Marriage isn't easy, but those two crazy kids have a lot of love for another, (Also, they have a lot of my unanswered emails offering them unsolicited marital and governing advise.)

Love (and the smell of New Jersey) is in the air! Stay Awake, Kids!

Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer

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