Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Thinking By Design

Hey Gang,

Design Thinking is all the rage in Corporate America.  From what I understand it helps businesses prosper,  makes customers happy  and obstacles are magically conquered with this technique.  The problem is, I don't know what that technique is.  

One article I read said that design thinking, "Design Thinking is a design methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It’s extremely useful in tackling complex problems that are ill-defined or unknown, by understanding the human needs involved, by re-framing the problem in human-centric ways, by creating many ideas in brainstorming sessions, and by adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping and testing." much as I understood that super-easy-to-follow blob of words, I decided to give it another Gainer-Go and look for a second definition.

My next web search found this explanation, "In its simplest form, design thinking is a process, applicable to all walks of life, of creating new and innovative ideas and solving problems; it is not limited to a specific industry or area of expertise. It can be as effective in technology or education as it may be in services or manufacturing."  Ok, finally, something I can grasp... it is applicable to all walks of life.  I have always hated the processes that only catered the working class...what about the fancy people?  They need a process too!

In my research, I realized that there are some exact steps in Design Thinking...kind of.  One sources stated that the steps are:

    • Step 1 - Empathy. Any social endeavor begins with the human element. ...
    • Step 2 - Define. ...
    • Step 3 - Ideate. ...
    • Step 4 - Prototype. ...
    • Step 5 - Test.

Interesting, but as I continued my learning quest, I also found another website that stated the steps could are:
  • Gather Inspiration
  • Generate Ideas
  • Make Ideas Tangible
  • Share The Story
I guess my purpose of this blog-post is to explore the corporate buzzwords and HR-Trends. I may not understand them all.  I may read and research countless articles and still be confused, but at the end of day... I comprehended nothing. (And that's what it is all about!)

Stay Awake Kids,

Cathy Gainer Corporate Trainer 

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